For my first image I used a picture of the street that I live on. I added a few clouds for texture in the sky and I also darkened the sky as well as the clouds to give it a darker look. I used a picture of a tree and turned it upside down to make it look like lightning by changing the color. I added a lamp post to the yard and put a patch of grass at its base. I added a blue-ish gray color to the street to change its look.
For my second image I used my back yard and the field it connects to. I used a picture of cloud and expanded it so that it took up the whole sky instead of having separate clouds. I made a tree into lightning like I did in my first photo. I added a light post and a telephone post into the foreground of the image as well. I put a patch of dirt at the base of the telephone post also. I changed the color of the shed to a light blue-ish color and also made the lighting-tree more yellow. I darkened the base and the background of the photo to give it a darker feel that goes along with the theme.